sexta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2016

Third Review by Wherdan Chemoune Rech
Calvin and Hobbes -  Written by Waterson

This Calvin and Hobbes comic strip contains 8 boxes, making a link with the real life. The characters (Calvin and Hobbes) are playing war, and when a dart hits the opponent, the other side wins. Suddenly, they hit each other at the same time.
This comic strip has a strong criticism and it makes us think about the war. In the first box, Hobbes says “how come we play war and not peace?” In the third box, Calvin is exalting his Nation saying that he is going to be “The fearless American defender of liberty and democracy”, and Hobbes can be “The loathsome godless communist oppressor”, clearly showing that American sense of superiority. As the dart hit them both at the very same time, it means that both lost and the last box states that it is a stupid game, linking war to a stupid thing.
I strongly recommend that everyone should read and take a time to think of the real meaning behind this comic trip. More than reading, people should discuss in classrooms or with friends about disadvantages of war.
Calvin and Hobbes have been published in the United States by Andrews McMeel Publishing.

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