sexta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2016

Calvin and Hobbes - Furry dipping

By Inaiê and Josiane Federissis
Calvin and Hobbes - Furry dipping
Written and art by Bill Watterson
Release date: July 6, 1986
Genre: Comedy
Format: Comic Strip in Color

Watterson outdone himself in these 9 panels, he approached the human dissatisfaction.
The comic strip "Furry dipping" Calvin and his hobbes friend are eager to jump into the water from the sea, but when they reach the beach they feel very hot sand, then the water, very cold, are disappointed and run to sand still hot and end return to the car. The father of Calvin is angry because it is possible to they lose the day on the beach.
Calvin and his trusty tiger, Hobbes, are excited to go to the beach, but in all situations they find motives for dissatisfaction: in the beach, sometimes it’s hot, sometimes it’s so cold.
The author explores the text-comics genre. He uses speech bubbles in the first, secound and ninth panels; in the sixth panel the author uses onomatopoeia (sploop, splop), and the others panels Watterson uses captions, but without a box for separating the text from the  rest of the panels.
The frustration of Calvin's father is notice by the balloon model and the word "this" bold. Watterson also uses different colors in the speech bubles to attract attention, and the second panel where hobbes says the name of the strip and in the last panel where the calvin's father is furious .
The comic has three different tiers: the first has 2 panels, the second has 4 panels and the third has 3 panels. The comic has harmonious gutters and hasn't borderless panel.
It’s a great comic strip to have some fun and think about.

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