segunda-feira, 22 de agosto de 2016

Comic Review: Garfield

Comic Review: Garfield

Comic title
Jim Davis
Jim Davis
Three colored panels
Universal Uclick
 August 22th, 2016

This comic strip seems to be made for all people, because most of person have a pet at their houses, and this situation that happened in this comic strip is very common. The indifference and superiority of the cat made the dog look like a completely nonsense.
The comic strip is made up by three colored panels, which are enough to represent this situation about the rivalry of cats and dogs.
Jim Davis used only thought bubbles to express Garfield’s feelings about the odd situation. The author really got across the message he wanted to convey when it comes to the cat’s ideas about Odie’s behavior.
All in all, this comic strip is funny for all ages and pretty easy to understand if you have dogs and cats you will automatically feel part of this comic strip.

By: Laís Pires

Comic Strip Review

Comic Review: Calvin and Hobbes
By: Ana Carolina Guerreiro and Daianna Andrade / Monday, August 22th, 2016.

The comic strips “Calvin and Hobbes” written by Watterson tell us in nine frames, the history about Calvin and his friend Hobbes, who is a tiger. This comic strip in particular shows the boy and the tiger going to the beach.  Calvin said to Hobbes that he didn’t bring his swim trunks, and Hobbes said that he likes to “furry dipping”. They spent few minutes there because the sand was too hot and the sea was too cold. Calvin’s parents were so angry with the boys because they drove an hour and a half to the beach and didn’t have fun. This comic strip is basically to entertain, both children and adults. If I were you I would read, not only this, but all the others comic strips by Watterson, because they are colorful, interesting and very fun.

domingo, 21 de agosto de 2016

Comic Strip Tittle: Snoopy
Store by: Charles Schulz
Art by: Charles Schulz
Panel: Four colored panels
Distribution by: Not found
November 4, 1960

    The first appearence of Charlie Brown and Snoopy took place on October 4, 1950, in a strip of an american newspaper. In the first two years of the publication of comic strips, Snoopy was quite differente from what we see today. Snoopy was a silent dog and did not walk upright. In 1952, Charles Schulz decided to give voice to the dog and then the reader could know what Snoopy thought and Snoopy was able to understand what was happening to the other characters.
    In this comic strip there are 4 colored panels with a speech balloons. The language is simple to understand and there aren't captions or onomatopoeia. Here, the sarcasm is because the boy is writing a book about the destroyed faith, but the boy is talking about Charlie's story. The Snoopy's comic is very funny and easy to read and enjoy it.

By Nathalia Rodrigues de Carvalho

Calvin and Hobbes, comic strip review

Comic title: calvin and hobbes
story BY: watterson
art by: watterson
panels: nine multisized colored panels
distribution by: universal press syndicate

This comic strip seems to be made for parents and kids. Some kids may relate to this situation with their childish behavior, and parents can relate to the comic strip with their family trips, as they are the ones who suffer the most with kids’ wishes during trips (God knows!).
The comic strip is made up by nine multisized colored panels and, in my opinion, it is a little too much for the main idea of the comic strip, the author could have been more succinct. But despite of this, the author seemed to have done the right thing when it comes to captions, onomatopoeias and dialogue , all of them are clear and appropriate for each panel.
All in all this comic strip is funny and pretty easy to understand. The author used beachy elements to write about people’s life and it really gets to people. By using everyday elements, as Watterson made in this comic strip, he has made Calvin and Hobbes popular.

 By: Anderson S. Todini

sexta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2016

Calvin and Hobbes - You know what’s the rage this year?... Hats.

© Universal Press Syndicate

  Third version of the review

 The name of this comic strip is “You know what’s the rage this year?... Hats.”. The comic strip has only 4 panels. All the comic strip is on black and white colors. Each panel has two speech bubble and one tail in each speech bubble. There is only one short gutter between panel third and panel fourth. The second panel is borderless. The balloons have capital letters. In the first panel you can see Hobbes cutting Calvin’s hair and Hobbes calls the haircut “a new wave”. In the same panel Calvin seems doesn’t like it after all because he complains about it even when Hobbes convinces him with a suggestion to make a Mohawk’s haircut. In the third panel the word “some” is on bold in the Hobbes’s balloon, it might means that in some certain places the haircut can be considerate as “Mohawk”.  Hobbes finishes the comic strip saying something hilarious about the situation while he holds a hat. The final Hobbes’s sentence is told with serious face expression: “you know what’s the rage this year?... Hats”. The hat that Hobbes holds may be use by Calvin eventually and the last panel is funny because summarizes the first panel as all the story. It’s interesting to see how Calvin changes his feelings and mind during the comic strip in his conversation to Hobbes. The drawing is well done and it’s easy to understand the context as the same kind of story made by the author Bill Watterson.

  By Lenonn H. P. Rosa

Calvin and Hobbes - Furry dipping

By Inaiê and Josiane Federissis
Calvin and Hobbes - Furry dipping
Written and art by Bill Watterson
Release date: July 6, 1986
Genre: Comedy
Format: Comic Strip in Color

Watterson outdone himself in these 9 panels, he approached the human dissatisfaction.
The comic strip "Furry dipping" Calvin and his hobbes friend are eager to jump into the water from the sea, but when they reach the beach they feel very hot sand, then the water, very cold, are disappointed and run to sand still hot and end return to the car. The father of Calvin is angry because it is possible to they lose the day on the beach.
Calvin and his trusty tiger, Hobbes, are excited to go to the beach, but in all situations they find motives for dissatisfaction: in the beach, sometimes it’s hot, sometimes it’s so cold.
The author explores the text-comics genre. He uses speech bubbles in the first, secound and ninth panels; in the sixth panel the author uses onomatopoeia (sploop, splop), and the others panels Watterson uses captions, but without a box for separating the text from the  rest of the panels.
The frustration of Calvin's father is notice by the balloon model and the word "this" bold. Watterson also uses different colors in the speech bubles to attract attention, and the second panel where hobbes says the name of the strip and in the last panel where the calvin's father is furious .
The comic has three different tiers: the first has 2 panels, the second has 4 panels and the third has 3 panels. The comic has harmonious gutters and hasn't borderless panel.
It’s a great comic strip to have some fun and think about.

Comic strip: Calvin and Hobbes about school

Tatiara and Emily.

Comic strip: Calvin and Hobbes about school

Taken from:

Published by: A Clear Sign.
Publication Date: August 2, 2012 .
Creator credits: Bill Watterson.
Price: Not found. 
Panels: three panels.
Colored strip: Black and white. 
Distributed by: Not found. 

Calvin and Hobbes is a daily comic strip by American cartoonist Bill Watterson that was syndicated from November 18, 1985 to December 31, 1995. The comic strip has three boxes and the only character is Calvin. The scene happens in a classroom. Normally, it is printed in the newspaper and its main audience are children and adults.
      In this comic strip, the cartoonist is criticizing the students, because Calvin wasn’t paying attention to the class. He was reading a book that probably wasn’t of the subject of teaching. This reflects the reality of many students that make other things when they are in class and don’t pay attention to the teacher. In the meantime, it is a criticism of the teacher that doesn’t plan interesting lessons to hold the attention of the students.   
Comic strip review: Calvin and Hobbes 
(by Nathan Rodrigues)

Comic Strip title: ?
Written by: Bill Watterson
Art by: Bill Watterson
Release Date: 1986
Published by: Universal Press Syndicate

The comic strip above is  composed of four panels only. Analyzing its composition and the way the dialogues are arranged (simple writing, with no balloons, expressing lifeless conversations), here we are facing a situation that shows us the complexity of the modern society when it comes to the kids' hyperactivity. It is something that society doesn't understand as a natural thing, as a part of kids' necessity of having fun, but something seen as a problem if they need to acquire knowledge in a faster way.

After having an overall description and idea of this comic strip, it is possible to see that Calvin is under the influence of Ritalin, a medicine used to improve kids' focus. It is understandable because Calvin said that, according to his mom, the pills maybe were working. As he was really focused on the lesson, Hobbes became a normal teddy bear (better saying, a tiger toy) and consequently it was out of the boundaries of something that we could understand as the kid's imagination in action. Calvin was not anymore that kid able to use his imagination nor have fun with his creativity and innocence. He became a product of modern society, something that parents really want: a focused kid, with no extravagant and authentic attitudes. In short, a robot that can be approved by society's requests.
Third Review by Wherdan Chemoune Rech
Calvin and Hobbes -  Written by Waterson

This Calvin and Hobbes comic strip contains 8 boxes, making a link with the real life. The characters (Calvin and Hobbes) are playing war, and when a dart hits the opponent, the other side wins. Suddenly, they hit each other at the same time.
This comic strip has a strong criticism and it makes us think about the war. In the first box, Hobbes says “how come we play war and not peace?” In the third box, Calvin is exalting his Nation saying that he is going to be “The fearless American defender of liberty and democracy”, and Hobbes can be “The loathsome godless communist oppressor”, clearly showing that American sense of superiority. As the dart hit them both at the very same time, it means that both lost and the last box states that it is a stupid game, linking war to a stupid thing.
I strongly recommend that everyone should read and take a time to think of the real meaning behind this comic trip. More than reading, people should discuss in classrooms or with friends about disadvantages of war.
Calvin and Hobbes have been published in the United States by Andrews McMeel Publishing.

Comic title: Calvin and Hobbes
Creator: Bill Watterson
Publisher: Universal Press Syndicate
Year: 1986
Genre: Comic Strip
Panels:  Nine panels in color

Reviewers: Gabrielle Lima and Douglas Oliveira
    This is another adventure of Calvin, a six-year-old boy, and Hobbes, his stuffed animal and best friend. In Calvin’s imagination, Hobbes is a real talking tiger who is always with him in Calvin’s adventures. The comic strip is divided in nine panels, starting with a long panel where we can see the local where the story is happening. The comic strip has normal gutters, and the first tier contains two panels, the second tier contains four panels and the third contains three panels.
    The story contains three speech bubbles, written in formal language, but most of the panels have just captions above, describing the mood of the comic strip. Onomatopoeias are present describing the sound of the water and just Calvin’s speech bubble is in white, because this conversation is happening in his mind.
     This time the author, Bill Watterson, has chosen to bring us a negative perspective of going to the beach. First, Hobbes has forgotten to bring his trunks to swim, and that would be a problem if you were a real person. Then, when Calvin and Hobbes decide to enter into the sea, the sand was too hot and the water was too cold. Of course, everybody would be disappointed in such situation and this is the feeling of Calvin’s father. We can see that the idea of going to the beach was Calvin’s mother’s and Calvin goes back inside the car. It seems that Calvin doesn’t have the intention of going back to the beach.
      There aren’t many dialogs in this comic strip. The funny images and the facial expressions of the characters are able to tell us what we want to know. Despite of having nine panels the story can be quickly understood.

By Gabrielle and Douglas

Projeto de extensão: "Laboratório de apoio à leitura e produção textual em língua inglesa no contexto acadêmico"

When you start a university course, you might have the same problem as every other student: how to get through the vast amount of reading given for each course. There is not enough time to read everything line by line. You need to be able to read efficiently. The way you read something will depend on your purpose. You need to read quickly to find relevant sections, then read carefully when you have found what you want. General efficient reading strategies such as scanning to find the book or chapter, skimming to get the gist and careful reading of important passages (Wallace, 1980, pp. 9-51) are necessary as well as vocabulary building exercises in your own area. Learning about how texts are structured can also help you to read and write more efficiently.

Our academic project aims at assisting undergraduate students from Letras and Secretariado on their reading and writing processes, so that they are capable of becoming more autonomous readers and writers in the academic English language.

University student monitors: Bruno Rafael, Cátia Costa and Laís.
Coordinator: Raquel Silvano Almeida

quarta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2016

Spring Festival

Hello Guys!

Keep an eye out to the next month we will have the Spring Festival.
This festival is being organized by the English Language classes of Unespar Apucarana campus where students will present poetry, music, theater and more.

We will count with the presence of all.

Ana Carolina Guerreiro Piacentini

sexta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2016

MÚSICA - Uma proposta de ensino de Língua Inglesa

Música é uma linguagem universal, usada para a comunicação, inspiração, educação, entretenimento etc. Ela consegue mudar o humor das pessoas.
Às vezes ouvimos uma música uma única vez no dia e ela fica o dia todo na nossa mente. Quem não se lembra de músicas que aprendeu na infância? “Meu lanchinho, meu lanchinho, vou comer, vou comer, pra ficar fortinho, pra ficar fortinho e crescer, e crescer.”
Na sequencia irei compartilhar um artigo escrito por WOYCIECHOWSKI. Os principais objetivos do trabalho são: " despertar no aluno o interesse pela Língua Inglesa através de atividades de interpretação, reading, speaking, listening e writing, por meio de músicas e, fazer com que ele se socialize, cante
em inglês e se motive para aprender a Língua Inglesa e outras culturas."
Segundo Erica Pereira (, "quando se propõe aos alunos atividades com música e oferece subsídios, percebe-se um grande interesse e é possível extrair muito conhecimento.(...) Acreditamos que é possível alcançar os objetivos propostos, sendo possível aprender inglês através de músicas desenvolvendo as quatro habilidades linguísticas."

A Língua inglesa para deficiente visual.

O ensino de língua estrangeira para deficiente visual em sala de aula regular do ensino fundamental. 

The foreign language teaching for poor visual classroom primary education regular. 

       O artigo de Viviane Gualberto Ferreira teve como objetivo "investigar a realidade do atual ensino de língua estrangeira para deficientes visuais em sala de aula regular. Buscou-se reconhecer quais as dificuldades que precisam ser superadas para se estabelecer métodos e estruturas que favoreçam o pleno desenvolvimento dos aprendizes, atingindo, assim, um ensino de alta qualidade. Os resultados estão baseados em entrevistas com perguntas semi-estruturadas e em amplo material bibliográfico consultado. Entre os resultados, destacam-se: elaboração de proposta político-pedagógica das entidades de ensino; carência de atualização e especialização de docentes conforme os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais e a Educação Especial; material didático adequado e material pedagógico de apoio; preparação de aulas de
acordo com as necessidades dos deficientes visuais. O estudo conclui que o ensino para deficientes visuais, preferencialmente em classes comuns, constitui-se em uma modalidade que vem se desenvolvendo, sobretudo na última década, sendo necessários esforços conjuntos de professores, sociedade civil e governos para se construir um sistema de ensino que corresponda às reais necessidades dos deficientes visuais."
        The Gualberto Viviane Ferreira article had as aim "to investigate the reality of current foreign language teaching for impaired vision students in regular classroom. It searched to recognized which difficulties need to be outstrip to set up methods and structures that benefit the full development of students, reaching at this way, a high quality teaching. The results are based on interviews with semi-structured questions and on wide bibliographic material looked up. Among the results we stand out: elaboration of a politic-pedagogic propose from teaching entities; lack of teachers actualization and specialization according to National Curricular Parameters and the Special Education; adequate didactic material and pedagogic supported material; preparation of classes according to the necessities of blinds. The study concludes that the teaching for impaired vision students, preferentially in regular classrooms, constitutes in a modality that comes into developing, especially in the last decade, being necessary joint efforts to teachers, civil society and government in order to construct a teaching system that correspond to the actual necessities of impaired vision students."

Abaixo está o link do artigo para leitura. 
Below is the link to the article to read.

Aproveite para aprimorar seu conhecimento para um método de ensino de inglês diferente. 
Take the opportunity to enhance your knowledge to a different English teaching method.

Two haikus by Matsuo Bashô

Two haikus by Matsuo Bashô

There once was a curious frog
Who sat by a pond on a log
And, to see what resulted,
In the pond catapulted
With a water-noise heard round the bog.

 Translated by Alfred H. Marks

old pond
a frog leaps in —
a moment after, silence

ted by Ross Figgins

Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching

This second edition is an extensive revision of this successful text. Like the first edition, it surveys the major approaches and methods in language teaching, such as grammar translation, audiolingualism, communicative language teaching, and the natural approach. The text examines each approach and method in terms of its theory of language and language learning, goals, syllabus, teaching activities, teacher and learner roles, materials, and classroom techniques. The second edition includes new chapters on topics such as whole language, multiple intelligences, neurolinguistic programming, competency-based language teaching, cooperative language learning, content-based instruction, task-based language teaching, and the Post-Methods Era. Teachers and teachers-in-training will enjoy reading this comprehensive survey and analysis of the major and minor teaching methods used around the world. The book seeks not only to clarify the assumptions behind these methods and their similarities and differences, but also to help teachers explore their own beliefs and practices in language teaching.

Esta segunda edição é uma extensa revisão deste texto bem sucedida. Como a primeira edição, ele examina as principais abordagens e métodos no ensino de línguas, como a tradução gramática, audiolingualism, método comunicativo, ea abordagem natural. O texto examina cada abordagem e método em termos da sua teoria da linguagem e aprendizagem de línguas, objetivos, plano de estudos, atividades de ensino, os papéis de professor e aluno, materiais e técnicas de sala de aula. A segunda edição inclui novos capítulos sobre temas como a língua inteira, inteligências múltiplas, programação neurolinguística, ensino de línguas baseada em competências, a aprendizagem de línguas cooperativa, instrução baseada em conteúdo, ensino de línguas baseada em tarefas, e a era pós-Methods. Professores e professores em treinamento vai gostar de ler esta pesquisa abrangente e análise dos principais e secundárias métodos de ensino utilizados em todo o mundo. O livro procura não apenas para esclarecer os pressupostos por trás desses métodos e suas semelhanças e diferenças, mas também para ajudar os professores a explorar suas próprias crenças e práticas no ensino de línguas.

By Nathalia and Douglas


II Congresso de Licenciaturas

   Event opportunity, and is at home!!!!
   Don't miss the opportunity to participate in II COLI, the registration rate for undergraduate students is R$ 30,00 for those with presentations and R$ 20,00 for those who won't be submit.
   Let's go folks ; D

   Oportunidade de evento, e é aqui em casa!!!!
   Não perca a oportunidade de participar do II COLI, a taxa de inscrição para alunos de graduação é de R$ 30,00 para aqueles com trabalhos e R $ 20,00 para quem não irão apresentar.
   Vamos pessoal ; D

By Inaiê and Josi

Parody about music (Tati and Gabi)

                                         Paródia Sorry (Justin Bieber) Created /Written/Directed by - Bart Baker 

    Parodies aim to make a criticism, whether positive or negative, usually so comical.
This parody does not have to criticize the music itself used as a base but can also
if used to criticize other things, such as politics, education, health, environment, racism, sports,
any matter involving the company or not.

        In parody the link above, they made a critical comic's own music singer Sorry Justin Bieber.

     As paródias têm como objetivo fazer uma crítica, seja ela positiva ou negativa, geralmente 
de forma cômica.
Tal paródia não precisa necessariamente criticar a própria música usada como  base, 
mas também pode se utilizada  para criticar outras coisas, como política, educação,
saúde, meio ambiente,racismo, esportes,qualquer assunto que envolva a sociedade ou não.
    Na paródia acima do link, eles fizeram uma crítica cômica a própria música Sorry do cantor 
Justin Bieber.

Gabrielle and Tatiara.

2016's States with the Best & Worst School Systems

Even in a developed country education seems to have difficulty to guarantee the same quality for every student.

Anderson and Lais.

Entrevista com Motta Roth

In this brief interview Roth points out the importance of study on the goal of language teaching to life in everyday life (
Nesta breve entrevista Roth ressalta a importância do estudo sobre a meta do ensino de línguas para a vida na vida cotidiana.)

By Inaiê and Josiane Federissis

Guess who will fall in the club today?
That's right, you, because we'll be at home sleeping beautifully!

Dai and Ana
This is the second year of English at the Unespar Campus Apucarana, at the present moment here in Brazil August the 12, 2016  The Olimpic Games is being host here at the city of Rio de Janeiro, Dilma Roussef our president is suffering an impeachment and right now our country is being governed by the vice president Michel Temer.
I have two more year to graduate and I hope to graduate to pass and become a teacher for the state.
Wherdan Chemoune Rech
Yo, what up! We're going to post some things about music and culture related to English. Guys, we're up to help new students and teachers who want to develop a better English and else. So, stay tuned in our blog and welcome!
